
Courses to The Enneagram


Basic Course // The Enneagram of Liberation & Self-Realization


Basic Course // The Enneagram of Liberation & Self-Realization


What happens to us when, during childhood and adolescence, we are not seen for who we truly are? When we don’t feel secure and warmly held? When we are exposed to wounds and limiting conditioning? We withdraw internally from this unfavorable environment. In doing so, we lose contact with our own essential depth, or it never develops in the first place. Instead, we form an ego personality, allowing us to function in the world. At the same time, this prevents us from being in true and fulfilling contact with ourselves, others, and the world.

Basic Course // The Enneagram as a Tool for Self-Awareness and Liberation

The teaching of the Enneagram (Greek: *ennea* = nine; *gramma* = letter, point) is based on nine personality types, which are represented as a nine-pointed star within a circle, illustrating the relationships between the types. The Enneagram is used as a tool for self-awareness.

The psychological-spiritual Enneagram is a mirror that shows us what we are NOT, but what we have become over the course of life in our efforts to cope with ourselves and the world, mistakenly identifying with this character structure, this ego. This gives us insight into the distortions through which we view and experience ourselves, others, and the world. It also deepens our understanding of our own limitations and those of others. As a result, we begin to disentangle ourselves from conditioning and entanglements and start seeing ways to truly connect with ourselves and others, living our lives as our True Selves.

In the basic course, the foundations of the psychological-spiritual Enneagram are taught. The insights provided by the Enneagram are deepened through selected questions and made accessible to your own understanding and experience. This facilitates the integration and application in everyday life, ultimately enhancing your quality of life.

As you become aware of your own limiting conditioning and gradually free yourself from it, you will become increasingly free and authentic, and begin to connect with essential qualities of life such as love, freedom, peace, autonomy, and many others. More on this in the advanced course.


Information about individual Saturdays can be found here.

Here, you can watch a video of Claudio Naranjo, the grandmaster of the Enneagram, as he explains the nine Enneatypes through the music of renowned composers, playing their works.

Article: “From Ego to True Self – With the Help of the Enneagram”

Articlet: “What is the difference between the Personality Enneagram and the Enneagram of Awakening and Self-Realization?”

Article: “Enneatypes and Essential Qualities of Being”




This course takes place on four Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

The dates will be published at a later time.

Registration: please use the registration of interest

Registration deadline: 

Interested List (Once enough people are interested, I will inform you. Then you can decide whether you want to register bindingly.)

You can find information about the individual Saturdays here.

You can also acquire the knowledge and techniques in private lessons:

Location: Meditation School Basel or via Zoom depending on the COVID situation.

Cost: CHF 1200 (50% discount for repeat participants)

Requirements: None

Advanced Course I // The Enneagram of Liberation & Self-Realization


Advanced Course I // The Enneagram of Liberation & Self-Realization


Advanced Course I // The Enneagram and Self-Inquiry as Tools for Transformation and Self-Realization

The Enneagram acts as a mirror, reflecting what we are NOT, but what we have become through conditioning (upbringing, etc.) and now believe ourselves to be. The Enneagram helps us to recognize our identification with this self-image (ego), to loosen it, and to live with increasing freedom and authenticity.

In this advanced course, we build on the knowledge and experiences from the foundation course to confront our limiting conditioning more clearly. Through this process, we gain access to essential qualities of life such as unconditional love, dignity, autonomy, clarity, peace, freedom, and many others.

Psychological-spiritual self-inquiry, based on the teachings of essential qualities of being, allows us to systematically (!) disentangle ourselves from these fixations and access the essential truth of who we are.

Therefore, the first step in this advanced course is to teach the fundamentals of self-inquiry. Using these tools, we will process the entanglements associated with each Ennea position in our direct experience, allowing them to transform and eventually dissolve. This helps us to break free from the ego’s personality fixation and access our True Self, along with the essential qualities of being that we inherently possess but have lost touch with through these fixations.

By freeing ourselves from the conditioned self-image and experiencing self-realization through transformation, we are able to shape and live our lives in a truly fulfilling way, in all its aspects!


Further Information:

Article: „From Ego to True Self – With the Help of the Enneagram“

Article: „What Differentiates the Enneagram of Personality from the Enneagram of Awakening and Self-Realization?“

Article: „Enneagram Types and Essential Qualities of Being“

Here you can watch a video of Claudio Naranjo, the master of the Enneagram, explaining the 9 Enneagram types through the music of renowned composers by playing their works.




This course takes place on four Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., provided there are enough participants in the  Basic Course // The Enneagram.

The dates will be published at a later time.


Registration deadline: 

You can also acquire the knowledge and techniques in private lessons:

Location: Meditation School Basel or via Zoom depending on the COVID situation.

Cost: CHF 1200 (50% discount for repeat participants)

Requirements: Basic Course // The Enneagram


Advanced Course II // The Enneagram of Liberation & Self-Realization


Advanced Course II // The Enneagram of Liberation & Self-Realization


Advanced Course II // The Enneagram and Self-Inquiry as Tools for Transformation and Self-Realization

The foundation course introduced the basics of the Enneagram along with relevant self-inquiries, softening the standardized understanding of self and the world, and opening up a perspective towards the essence of things.

In Advanced Course I, we deepened our work by focusing on the essential qualities of being associated with each Enneagram type. This required a greater willingness and technical ability to engage with the immediate experience of what is, allowing the conditioned self-image and worldview to dissolve, thereby permitting transformation into essential qualities of being.

In Advanced Course II, one must be prepared to embrace radical shifts in consciousness, as the Enneagram of the Holy Ideas directly addresses and requires this. The first meeting will be dedicated to laying the groundwork to make this process as feasible as possible. In the following three sessions, we will explore and inquire into three thematically connected Enneagram types in relation to the Holy Ideas. This will enable participants to transcend the limitations of conditioned self and worldview, accessing direct perceptions of reality and shaping their lives accordingly.




This course takes place on four Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., provided there are enough participants in the  Advanced  Course I // The Enneagram.

The dates will be published at a later time.


Registration deadline: 

You can also acquire the knowledge and techniques in private lessons:

Location: Meditation School Basel or via Zoom depending on the COVID situation.

Cost: CHF 1200 (50% discount for repeat participants)

Requirements: Advanced Course I // The Enneagram



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